nbkc uses multiple third-party verification systems during our application process. Multiple sources of information are taken into consideration for all application reviews; however, the ultimate decision is up to nbkc and our Review Team.
We understand a declined application can be frustrating. Due to security, compliance, and other factors, we are not always able to state why your application is declined but we will do our best to answer any questions. Please see below for potential reasons an application may be declined.
Previous Account Closures
If you’ve previously had an account closed by another financial institution that you didn’t request to be closed. (Repeated overdrafts or not paying off a negative balance.) Your account may have been declined if there are multiple account opening attempts.
Individual Verification
We use the information you submitted on the application to confirm your identity. Please ensure your information is accurate and up to date, including your phone number and email address. Your Physical Address should be the address in which you reside; please do not use a Virtual Address, Registered Agent, Post Office Box, or Mail Receiving location.
Prohibited Business
Unfortunately, nbkc is not able to bank businesses related to the following business types.
ATM/Money Service Business
Credit Card System Operations
Credit Repair
Firearms & Ammunition
Import/Export Goods
Lending, Financing, or Pooled Investments
Shell Corporations/Holding Company
Pawn Brokerage
Securities, Futures, Commission, or Commodity Trading
Travel Agency