The Trends function gives you a view of your spending trends from your accounts synced.
Any deposits and debits from your nbkc accounts will be included in the trends data.
The trends data is where you can filter different categories as well as add your own. This data is will transfer over to the spending and budget charts.
To edit your categories, select the category --> Select View Transactions.
You will then select any item you do not think is categorized correctly --> Under Category, select the pre-filled option --> Then select the correct category.
*Note- If you would like to filter different options within the same category, select the drop down arrow and either select a pre-filled option or select "add a Subcategory" for a personalized option.
There are also options to either flag, exclude, or split a transaction in the trends data. To do this you will select the transaction --> Select the 3 dots on the top right of the page --> select the option you wish to use for that item.
There are two view options to display your trend categories.
Chart View:
List View:
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